Monday, June 23, 2008

Drag and drop to customize your profile page

Orkut profiles have become a lot more dynamic in the last year. Not only are your photos, videos, and testimonials showcased on your profile, but now users in many parts of the world can also add OpenSocial applications to their profiles. With so many new elements on the profile page, we've received feedback that you'd like to be able to arrange it as you wish.

So, to help you organize all this content and show your visitors the elements you most want them to see, we've rolled out new functionality. Here's a couple of things you can now do:
  1. Reorganize your profile page with drag-and-drop: Simply click on any of the applications or showcases (photos, videos, and testimonials) on your profile page and drag them around until they are just as you'd like. The new layout of your profile page will automatically be saved, so your profile visitors will see everything just as you want it.
  2. Put as many or as few applications on your profile as you want. Until now, you were able to display up to three applications on your profile, and some of you wanted to show more. Now, when you add an application, you can choose whether or not you want it on your profile. Just select or unselect the "Add to my profile" box above the big "Add Application" button. You can change this any time with the "tool" button in the upper-right corner of the application.
So go ahead and rearrange your profile and make it your own...and if that's not enough, why not add a theme as well!?

Tag- that's me!

Photos have long been a popular feature of orkut, which is why we have engineers working full-time to make it easier for you to upload, share and browse photos on orkut. Recently, we increased our photo capacity so you can upload as many as you like, and we made it easier for you to organize your photos once you have them in your orkut albums. This week, we launched photo tagging so that you can label your orkut friends in your photos.

Here's how it works: when you're browsing your own or your friends' photo albums, simply click the "add tag" link below the bottom right corner of the photo. Then click your mouse over the friend you would like to label. A box will appear, prompting you to type your friend's name. As you type, the field will auto-complete so you can easily find the orkut friend you'd like to tag. When you browse tagged photos, hover over the name of a person to see which person he or she is in the photo. If you click, you'll be taken to his or her profile.

When one of your friends tags you in a photo, you'll receive an email. If you'd like to turn this notification off, you can go to notification settings. If a friend tags you in a photo and it's not you (or just a bad photo of you!), you can click on the trash can next to your name and delete the tag for good. The photo owner also has permission to delete any tags on his or her photos. If you'd rather not let your friends tag your photos, or be tagged in any photos, you can disable the feature completely in your privacy settings. Many people have already begun tagging their photos. Happy tagging!

A faster, lighter version of orkut

A few weeks ago we launched a low bandwidth version of orkut that makes your experience on orkut faster. This is especially helpful if you are using a 56.6 or 64 kps modem, or if you are on a DSL connection with many users. How does it work? The low bandwidth version of orkut avoids downloading images unless you really want them, which lets you navigate through the site more quickly.

When orkut pages seem to be taking a long time to load, you'll receive a prompt that lets you switch to the low bandwidth version. Similarly, orkut also prompts you to switch back to the regular version if the pages start downloading quickly again. If it seems like your connection is slow and you don't see a message, you can manually switch to the low bandwidth version by going to the general settings tab.

Although some things are displayed differently in the low bandwidth version compared to the regular version (for example, your friends and communities will appear as simple lists, rather than photos), people who have tried the low bandwidth version have told us that they are sticking with it: it's saving them money (if they pay by amount of data downloaded) and is making it more efficient and fun to browse the site. So give the new version a spin -- it may save you time or money or both!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

How to add more then 9 communities in related communities

Well guys you might have seen this on orkut that many communities are hacing more then nine communities as there related communities...

And many people are asking me on orkut how to add more then 9 related communities so here is a small trick..
First go to the community you want to add related communities too...

See at the browser the link would be like :

Change this link to :

now click Enter or press Go...
This page would load :

Start searching and adding communities with this cool trick..
And leave your comment about it..

No Bad Bad Server (Only For Firefox Users :-)

f you don't have firefox you can always download it there is an ad to firefox download in this BLOG at the bottom right hand side...

First you need to install Grease Monkey :

well here is the Link :

just right click on this Link and click Instal user Script....

I don't give guaratee that it will work every time...

Emotions in Orkut (For Firefox Users Only :-)

There are two Scripts

through First Script :

You Can Make Emotions

Emotions Are:


Remove * To Use Emotions


Second Script :

You Can Make Emotions

Emotions Are :


If You Want To Use Emotion Remove ' * ' From The Emotions


Change Orkut Font (For Firefox Users Only :-)

You Can Change Fonts
Fonts Are:

Lucida Console[*lucida]
Courier New[*courier]
Monotype Corsiva [*monotype]

Century Gothic[*gothic]
Arial Narrow[*narrow]
Book Antiqua[*book]
Franklin Gothic Medium[*franklin]
Times New Roman[*tnr]

Remove * To Use Font


Change Your Orkut Skins.. (For Firefox Users Only :-)

First you need to install Grease Monkey :

After that You can install as many Skins as you like :

Here are some of the Best Orkut Skins :

Orange Colour Skin (ORANGEKUT)


This Is silver and red Colour Skin :

Script :

This is Pretokut Skin (PRETOKUT)


This Is Black Colour Skin (BLACKUT)


This is Light Green Colour Reverse (REVERSEKUT)


This Is Gray Colour Skin (MY SKIN)


This Is Orkut Soldier Skin (ORKUT SOLDIER)


This Is Hotmail Colour Skin (HOTMAIL)


This is Silver Skin (SILVERKUT]


Red Colour Skin (REDKUT)


Green Colour Skin (GREENKUT)


Gold Colour Skin (GOLDKUT)


Cream Color Skin (CREAMKUT)


Blue Colour Skin (BLUEKUT)


Skin Notron :

Script :

Purple V_1 :

Script :

Purple V_2 :

Script :

Links :

Note : If you are new to Grease monkey then don't download this Script pack....It will need manual installation..

One click add to friend list in orkut

Here is a Greasemonkey script for u all

When installed it will add [F] to every profile u see on orkut!
Jus click on [F] and directly add some-one to ur friend-list!

This is again for firefox n greasemonkey users only!

Click here to install!

Some Grease monkey Scripts

First install grease monkey from the following Link :

Then you can install the following Scripts:

Orkut Spam Text Filter - Removes all forum text and event links to with ALL UPPER CASE subjects and subjects with consecutive exclamation marks.

SpamBlockerPlus! - Acaba com os spams do Orkut

Orkut ProfileTasks - Adds a context menu with useful task links for each Profile link on

LastPageInTopic - Adds a direct link to the last page of a topic in Orkut forums. Based on Alex Laier's FastScrapBook

Orkut Zoom Album
- Replaces small images on album overview page with larger versions. It also updates the table so there is one large image per row.

Orkut My ScrapBook Link
- Adds a link to your scrapbook at the top of every orkut page

Orkut enhancer level 2 Enhancer - Display Links to Albums and Scrapbooks for each profile

RebeldeKUT - Orkut Vers�o Rebelde

FastScrapBook - Adiciona dois links extras em cada link de profile de orkut, um para escrever no ScrapView e outro para o album de fotos

Orkut textbox enlarger - Enlarges the textbox for posting messages on orkut forums

ezTopicBrowsing - Inserts an option to directly goto the last page of a topic on orkut communities

orkut one click scrap - just one click to view your friends scrapbook.

orkut one click scrap v 2.0 - just one click to view your friends scrapbook.

Scrapbook and Album Viewer - Adds one link to fast scrapbook writing and album viewing in website

FSOrkut - Font color, bold, italic, underlinde, emoticons and links on your profile about and community description

Communities - Automatic addition of all communities in orkut (max 1000). Start the script by opening a community.

Edited HiNew Scrap! :) - Informs you when you reciee a new scrap or a new friend enters Orkut

Braskut light - Version Of Brazil of Orkut light

Braskut - Version Of Brazil of Orkut

Open Images Orkut - Swap src images (http://) for https://

orkut scrapbook enlarger - Enlarges the textbox for posting in orkut scrapbooks

Orkut Scrap Helper - Scrap those who have scrapped you in a single step! It creates a Text box besides each scrap so that the user can directly scrap the person without actually going to the other person's scrapbook

Orkut Time - Shows Orkut times and dates in the local timezone and with the user's locale.

Orkut Paulinho-Connelly Replacer - Replaces the photos of some loser with a random image of the beautiful Jennifer Connelly.

Orkut Single Click - Single Click Access To Various Possible Options In Orkut.

To uninstall these Scripts just go to Tools and then to manage

Some Of The Best Grease Monkey Scripts

1) Scrap Deleter

Delete your own scraps

3) Delete Multiple Messages (Not scraps)

Now you can delete multiple messages

4) No Bad Bad Server

This script automatically refresh the page showing this error

Bring Topic at the Top (For Firefox Only

Okay guys here is another cool Grease monkey script which u can use to Bring all the Community Topics by a particular person to the top....

Download the script from this Link :

Mozilla Firefox, with greasemonkey addon (

To use the script:
Simply go the community topic you want to bring to top. The script will take care of the rest!

To uninstall the script: In firefox, go to Tools > Manage User Scripts. In the left menu, you will find something like 'Topic at Top'. Click on it, and click 'Uninstall'.

Hi new scrap 1.0 (For firefox Users only :-)

First you need to install grease monkey here is the Link :
Grease Monkey

Here is the new version of Hi new scrap...

When u install this u will receive notification

  • when someone scraps u!
  • when any of your friend comes online!

Also u can choose to be notified in three way-

  • small pop-up balloon in right-bottom corner (this can not be turned off)
  • a sound alert!
  • a funny alert will Shake ur screen!

Wats good about balloon notification is that it shows scraps content when somebody scraps u! It also shows name n pic of friend who is coming online!

Here is the Link to install the script :

Click here

Google Search Within Orkut Forums (Sorkut)

Known as Sorkut, this hack was developed by Rohit Kumbhar and is only available for Firefox users (sorry IE fans). For those fortunate enough to partake of the browser rebellion, you can download the add-on over here.

Here is a brief description about Sorkut below:

Use this toolbar to search for threads with specific words in the title. Just give the cmm id of the community you want to search, enter the search term and click Search. Its basically an automation that an ultra patient person would go through for searching the threads he wants.

NOTE: You must be logged in to orkut to use this toolbar.

This hack is great but for those of you who are visual, lets do a picture recap below.

The CMM ID of a forum is the number at the end of the forum link.

Simply copy and paste that number into the CMM Id box.

Next, type in what word you want to search. In this case, I am searching a Christian community with the word "bible" in it.

This will bring up every post with the word "bible" in it's topic headline. For those of you who want to search for a word within the forum, simply check the Search posts box and it will Google the word for you.


Download :
Click Here

Orkut Scrapbook Searcher

Vijay has made a new Hack through which we can search through our ScrapBook

Click Here to download The Script

This hack requires GreaseMonkey which is built for Firefox users (sorry IE friends). Once installed, simply type in the word or phrase that you are searching for...

...and the words will appear in red

Orkut formatting toolbar

This Hack is made by TechnoWise...

Previous Toolbars

Orkut formatting tool-bar helps you easily insert formatting tags and smiley tags. Once you have your text typed, just select the text you want to format and click on the tool-bar buttons like you format text in Ms-Word or any other editing tools you use.

Toolbar for scrap-message editing, it will also display similarly for sending forum/community messages.

How to install :
1. Get Firefox browser (if you do not have it).

2. Click here to install Greasemonkey.

3. Restart Firefox

4. Click here to install orkut formatting toolbar.

Thats it, now just go to your scrap-book and you can see the toolbar as in above picture.

Orkut Pics Enlarger Script!

This Script is made by Rahul from Devil's Workshop

This is a Grease Monkey Script...So you would need Firefox along with Greasemonkey

Here is a screen shot presented by Inside Orkut :

This pics increases the size of all the small pics to medium size...
It's a great Hack..

Download it here

Orkut Changed it's Code. Many Softwares and Codes not working

Orkut have again changed it's code...Due to which some of the flooders and softwares are not working correctly...

Which Include :
Scrap Book Flooder
Sending scraps to all friends

New softwares and scripts would soon be released

Reply in a Topic Much Faster Now

This Script makes Replying to a Topic Much Easier and Quicker..

See this Screen Shot from Orkut Plus to get an idea of how this script works :

How to Use

You would be needing Firefox to download this Script..
Once you have got the Firefox download Greasemonkey
After that Download and Install the Script from here :
Fast Topic Reply
Thats It !!

Mass Moderation script 1.3

This is a great Script one can use for cleaning All of his messages..
I don't know who is the owner of this script but it's a great one..
It really helped me a lot in deleting all those 5000+ messages..

How to Install the Script :
1. Install Firefox browser (if you do not have already).
2. Install the Greasemonkey plugin for Firefox by clicking here.
3. Install the Script From Here

Now just go to Your Message Box and this script wil automatically start deleting all of the messages

Continue Reading This Topic.....
rated 5.0 by 1 person [?]

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Mass Moderation script 1.3

Well This is a great Script made by Sharath A.V from Technowise

This script is very usefull for the guys like me who owns a lot of communities and it is very difficult to keep them clean..

This new script gives you a drop down list for the moderation actions as below:

You can select multiple topics using the checkboxes.

Once you select an action for the selected topics, you will get a confirmation message to perform the action as below:

When you select 'ok', the processing status will be shown as below:

After performing the action, the status message changes as below:

Procedure to install this script:
1. Install Firefox browser (if you do not have already).
2. Install the Greasemonkey plugin for Firefox by clicking here.
3. Restart Firefox (after install of Greasemonkey).
4. Right click on the below link and select "Save link as" to save it to your disk.

After that, open the saved file in any text-editor like Notepad and find the below text:

var communityIds = ['419822','6413141','1027'];

Remove all the ID's there and put your own community ID's in the same manner. Make sure you put them in single quotes and saparate them using commas.

If you do not know what a community ID is, then look at the address bar of your browser when you visit your community, you will find the address as below:

In the above address, the number given at the last (419822) is the community ID.

After you have added the list of communities, save it and open (or drag and drop) that script file in Firefox browser, you will get a dialog box to install the script.

Thats all..
All credit goes to the owner of this script..
It's Just great !!

Message Cleaner Script

This is a great Script one can use for cleaning All of his messages..
I don't know who is the owner of this script but it's a great one..
It really helped me a lot in deleting all those 5000+ messages..

How to Install the Script :
1. Install Firefox browser (if you do not have already).
2. Install the Greasemonkey plugin for Firefox by clicking here.
3. Install the Script From Here

Now just go to Your Message Box and this script wil automatically start deleting all of the messages

How to resize Orkut so as to fit widescreen

This is a great Trick by Gaurav Verma to use orkut on widescreen..
I was quit annoyed when i used orkut on my Laptop..
as it had widescreen and the orkut Homepage looked silly with a lot of space being wasted...

Here are the screenshots (Taken from Gaurav's Post) :

But,you have a widescreen monitor and orkut's new design doesn't look good on it.what you want to have is this

How to do this :
First download Firefox
Then Install Greasemonkey on it
Then Go to and click on the "Install this Script" link on the right side

How to add GTalk gadget to Orkut

This is a great Trick by Gaurav Verma to add GTalk gadget to ,now you can be in touch with all your gmail freinds inside orkut.It also has multiuser chat feature which i think is great .As this feature is still not available in the desktop client by google. * This Gadget recquires macromedia flash 8 atleast *

Here is the screenshot (taken from Gaurav Verma's blog) :

Follow this guide to use this :

Automatically Go to Last Page of the Topic After Reply!

This script has been made by Praveen Reddy and i totally agree with his opinion that when we post a reply, we wish to see the reply rather than navigating to the first page of the topic. This script would do that job for you...

You will need Firefox..
After that Install Greasemonkey
After that Install Last Page After Reply Script

That's all !!

[Via Orkut Plus]

Post to all communities : Greasemonkey Script

Well here is a nice greasemonkey script...You Guys would need Firefox as well as Greasemonkey installed to run this script

1) This greasemonkey script Post to All Communities was developed by Vijay.
2) This userscript posts a message on all the communities that you have joined.

Method :
First Download The Script.
Then Just change the following two lines in the postallcommunities.user.js file :
document.getElementById("subject").value="The subject of your post";document.getElementById("messageBody").value="The message body of your post";
3) In the message body, you can introduce new lines by typing "\r\n" wherever you want a new line. For example, "This is line 1\r\nThis is line 2" will make the post in two different lines.
4) making the changes, drag and drop the postallcommunities.user.js file into the firefox window, and install the script. To get the script running, just visit is the "Communities" page in orkut, the posting will start automatically. If you want to stop the posting, just click on "Home" and uninstall the userscript.

Click here to install

Orkut Diwali Theme

Well it's a good news for all Indian fans as those of you who loved the orkut Diwali theme can have it back...

This is only for firefox users having greasemonkey installed...
Click Here to Install the Theme

How to Add Picasa Slideshow on Orkut’s Profile Page

This is a great Greasemonkey script made by Gaurav
This script automatically checks whether the profile you are visiting have got Picasa photo feed...If yes it's photos would automatically become visible as a slideshow in the sidebar along with captions...

Here is the screenshot :

First Install Greasemonkey

Click Here to Install the Script..

Add Dictionary to Orkut

This is again a great Trick made by Gaurav

Screen Shots :

Install greasemonkey extension for firefox if you have not already done so.
Go to and click on the “Install this Script” link on the right side
Creadit Goes to Gaurav

Post Link & Fill Captcha on The Same Page

This is a great Script Translated By Jerry !!

See this :

Now you can fill the Captcha before Posting any link in Scraps or Posts.
This means that we would not have to wait for the new page to load to fill the captcha we can do it before posting the Topic or Scrap.
Note : In case you are not posting any link in the scrap, Then there is no need to fill up the captcha

How to Use this Script :
First you need to have firefox.
After that install Geasemonkey.
Then Download and install the Scrap Less Captcha Script

Enjoy !!

Send a Single Scrap to All Your Friends !

Well there are many scripts and Softwares of doing this...But the one i am posting here is the it's most convenient as well as it's the fastest available out there...

How To Use It
You need Firefox To use this Script...
After Installing Firefox Download and Install Greasemonkey on Firefox
Once Installed Just Install this Small Greasemonkey Script :
Scrap All Your Friends

Now whenever you want to send scraps to all your friends you just need to go to the following Link :

That's It !!

Now Show Your Scraps and community Posts on your Profile

Well it's a very simple Procedure..You can now show your scraps and community posts on your Profile..

But First you need to make feed of your Scrap Or Community..

You can do this By These Methods :
Scrap to Rss Feed
Orkut Community Feed Beta
Community Feed

After that Copy the URL link to your Community/Scrapbook Feed...
Then Go to Edit Feed Page
and paste your community / Scrap book feed there...
It would be visible in your Profile..

Scrap All (With No Ads) - Send Pictures and Flash Files To All Your Friends With a Single Click!

Again this is a great Script for sending Scraps to all of your friends...The Older Version of this script is no longer working...In this Script you can even send HTML to your friends
To Use this you would require Firefox and Greasemonkey both Installed..

Method To Use It :

First Install Greaesemonkey Click Here
After that Install the Scrap All Friends Script
When You want to send scraps to all of your friends just go to this Link :

For Internet Explorer users they can run this javascript in there adress bar :


Add MSN and Yahoo Smileys to Your Posts

By Using this Trick you can add Yahoo as well as MSN Smileys in your scraps...But you can only post them in your friends scrapbook..

See the screenshot below :


You will need Firefox and Greasemonkey installed
After that Install the following scripts or anyone you like..

That's All

Enjoy !!!

Blinking Text

Want to paste blinking text in your scrapbook ????

Just go to your scrapbook and paste this script :

You can also write :

Scrap All - Without Any Ads

Now there are a lot of Scrap All friends containing an advertisement at the end of the scrap...

There are two ways to switch this off...

First is to use our Scrap All Script which is the oldest and also free from ads..

Second way is to disable adverisement from the current Scrap All scripts...

It is a very simple the message section when you have written your message body there just type <.Script> without "."

The advertisement would be disabled.... :)

Credit to OrkutPlus

Orkut Scrap All Virus

Orkut is getting targeted by a new Brazilian scrap virus, the virus infects users clicking on the above scrap message claiming to show some kind of video with the machine translated english version of the message below Updated(Thanks To Liens) :

this video remind me of you.
check how cool it is. but don't get mad at me, ok?
tell me later what you thought about it

This virus that claimes to be a video is a .exe file which infects users computer and sends the same scrap to all your friends on Orkut, the virus installs "orkutkut.exe" and "imglog.exe" on the infected computer, the virus can easily be disabled by following the steps below:

  1. Kill both the process from the task manager (CTRL+SHIFT+ESC).
  2. Remove startup entries using msconfig.exe
  3. Delete the two above mentioned files from system32 folder.
Here is a screen shot :

To secure yourself from such threats never click on unknown links in your scrapbook

Orkut Scrap All Virus

Orkut is getting targeted by a new Brazilian scrap virus, the virus infects users clicking on the above scrap message claiming to show some kind of video with the machine translated english version of the message below Updated(Thanks To Liens) :

this video remind me of you.
check how cool it is. but don't get mad at me, ok?
tell me later what you thought about it

This virus that claimes to be a video is a .exe file which infects users computer and sends the same scrap to all your friends on Orkut, the virus installs "orkutkut.exe" and "imglog.exe" on the infected computer, the virus can easily be disabled by following the steps below:

  1. Kill both the process from the task manager (CTRL+SHIFT+ESC).
  2. Remove startup entries using msconfig.exe
  3. Delete the two above mentioned files from system32 folder.
Here is a screen shot :

To secure yourself from such threats never click on unknown links in your scrapbook

ScrapBoy Version 2.0

Receive Instant notifications for new scraps
It's as simple as that. When you recieve a new scrap, Scrapboy will bring it to your desktop in the same way that you are used to with any other Messenger.

Send Instant Scraps from your Desktop

With Scrapboy you can send scraps from your desktop with the same convenience as writing an instant message.

Format Your Scraps
Now you can format your scrap easily. You can also look at Multiple scrapbooks at the same time. Add smileys and all that stuff by simple clicks

Access your FriendList more easily (Search through your friends)
well this is a great feature i like.. You can scroll through all your friends and also search your friends.

You can Block any friends scrap notification you want.

Navigate more easily
well here have a look at this :
See who is Online
Note: Scrapboy also will inform you of new friend requests, upcoming birthdays, as well as your fans.

See Other People Album

You can also scrap them without going to there profile


Jotting down all the pros, was an easy task. Their website and testimonials helped me through. But the cons were what I knew I would have to dig for, yet were so very obvious.

  • First of all it was a heavy setup to download. I would not mind if it was worth it at the end of it.
  • While using scrapboy, you are not notified if a friend is online or not. By logging into your orkut account, there is a module that atleast gives you a clue which friends of yours were last online.
  • If you have grouped your friends on orkut, scrapboy does not reflect the same. It does not allow you to make new groups either.
  • There is no option to delete any scrap. If you receive any offensive scrap and would like to delete it, you need to login to orkut through your browser. If you need to delete your own scrap that u posted erroneously, again you need to login to orkut to delete that. Then why the hell do you need scrapboy!!
  • The software is slow and hangs up for few seconds while downloading new scraps. In all it’s a badly written software with many bugs around too.
  • I am not able to see any pictures in my scrapboy messenger. All i see is a no photo image :(
  • This software only shows me the first few scraps in my scrapbook when i click on View More... it just hangs up
  • You cannot send links through this software.. well I send a lot of links to my friends...but i can't do that using this software it gives an error.

Well there are many advantages of this But there are also disadvantages of using this software.
I would rather remain at orkutting then using this software..
Hope the next version is even better then this one.

Users interested in Scrapboy can download the program over here, and if anyone has any other suggestions (or in need of support), they can visit the official Scrapboy forum over here.